
A history from far away

Hotel Corona D'Oro

The building went up in the XIII century and a proud holder of an elegant medieval portico on the outside, under which you can now find the refined restaurant of the Casa Azzoguidi hotel. Belonged to the powerful family of Azzoguidi at the time, reminded by a large celebratory sign, the antique building through the course of centuries has had various restorations: the frescoed coffered ceilings present in the prestigious First Floor Suites remain from the 15th century, all in excellent condition, and the refined work created with the oil on canvas technique that shows the subject of the Madonna  con Bambino, which embellishes the beautiful room where it is found.

The elegant hall, with plasters in style of Liberty, went up at the beginning of the XX century.  What makes this hall special is its construction of a bright and strategic glass cupola that opens during the summer and transforms the space into an open internal courtyard, unique and appealing.