Sala Azzoguidi

Sala Azzoguidi
Sala Azzoguidi has a capacity of up to 40 people. With bold atmosphere, the room is located in the most antique part of the building, dating back to the XV century. It has an extraordinary panelled ceiling and is lavishly furnished with precious furniture and antique paintings.
It is equipped with a screen and video-projector and can be setup as theater or U-shape as well as single tables for small groups of 15 people. Sala Azzoguidi is adjacent to the beautiful and large hall of the Corona D'Oro but can be closed and isolated thanks to two large sliding doors.
It is normally used as a reading room, given its connotation of confidentiality, and is available to all hotel guests.
Small meetings, business meetings, individual interviews in total confidentiality
Basic Technical Tools
- Free Wireless Connection
- Screen and video-projector
- Pc
- Flip board
- PA system
- Speaker telephone
- DVD/CD system
- Video recorder
- Exclusive Ultra Broadband 60 MBS
Catering Service
Hotel Corona D’Oro**** is capable of offering different food service within its elegant ambience:
- Coffee break
- Aperitivos
- cocktail
- Lunches
- Full-service dinner
- Gala dinner
Prices and menu proposals are available upon request.