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Our colorful Private Garage

Garage decorato da Rusty

The Corona D'Oro has a private garage which has recently been unriched by the original contribution of the master of the bolognese street art Rusty, with his personal reinterpretation of the hotel's logo (the graphic design is a project by Ciclostile Architecture).
Functionality and creativity coexist inside the garage; as usual Corona D'Oro keeps an alive and interactive connection with the international cultural and artistic scene. 

The garage is equipped with charging station for electric cars.

By car

The hotel is located in a Traffic Limited Zone (ZTL). It is always forbidden to drive in Via Indipendenza, Via Rizzoli and Via Ugo Bassi Streets. To reach the private garage of the hotel (open 24/7 and videosurveilled) please follow these indications:
Exit from the freeway “tangenziale” at exit nr. 7 (Fiera), please set navigator to Via Antonio Alessandrini and when you reach it keep driving straight, entering the ZTL (as a guest you are allowed to enter), and you will enter in Via Oberdan. When you’re in via Oberdan, turn on the second street to the right, Via delle Oche, at the end of the street turn right again (Via Piella) then turn right on the first street on the right which is Via Bertiera.
The garage is located at n° 15 of Via Bertiera, you will find on your right two grey garage doors with a big yellow crown.
Please buzz the interphone for the reception to open the doors remotely (the garage is located 200 mt from the hotel.
In case of need please contact our reception at  +39 051 7457611. We always provide porterage.
Advance booking of the car parking is suggested.