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Exhibition of The Mighty Sekhmet

Mostra di Sekhmet la Potente
25 juin 2021 10:00:00 - 31 Juil 2023 19:00:00

Hotel Corona D'Oro, Bologna


Egypt is closer than you think. Thanks to a generous collaboration with the Egyptian Museum in Turin, the statue of the lion-headed goddess with a woman's body is on display on an entirely exceptional basis at the Archaeological Museum in Bologna.

From the height of its 2.13 meters, the statue will introduce you to a tour of the Egyptian collection, making you feel the same ancient excitement that the priests of Ancient Egypt must have felt when they entered the courtyard of the "Temple of Millions of Years" at Thebes, where the statue played the role of protector.

INFO & RESERVATIONS: Sekhmet the exhibition

WHERE: Civic Archaeological Museum
ADDRESS: Via dell'Archiginnasio 2
OPENING HOURS: Monday, Wednesday h 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Friday h 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, holidays h 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday closed
TICKET COST: full price € 6 | reduced € 3 | special reduced € 2 ≥ 18-25 years old | free of charge for Culture Card holders
PHONE FOR INFORMATION: +39 051 2757211

Photo: courtesy Museo Egizio Torino; Giorgio Bianchi.